Take me to...
- Where to see your clips
- Can I restore a deleted recording?
- What is storage auto-manage?
- How to favorite a clip
- Where to find the video files
- How to locate and reconnect clips
- How to import external clips into Outplayed
- How to create a shorter clip out of your recording
- How to record on Outplayed in force video aspect ratio of 16:9 (Remove black bars)
- Why is there a yellow border while recording?
- Why am I seeing Alt Tabbed on my recordings?
- What are APM Stats?
- Low disc space error
- Help! Outplayed isn’t working
Where to see your clips
Once you exit the game the recording session should pop up in Outplayed. You can also view your recording sessions by clicking on the Sessions option in Outplayed:
The filter option allows you to sort your clips according to Game & Date, Date or game. You can also filter the clips to only view clips from certain games or clips with certain events:
Can I restore a deleted recording?
Please note that as Outplayed recordings are only saved locally to your computer, it's not possible to recover recordings once they have been deleted.
If a recording was deleted without your knowledge please check if the storage auto-manage is enabled and change the settings as needed.
You can always create a backup of your current recordings using the guide here: How to Backup and Restore your Outplayed recordings
What is storage auto-manage?
In order to avoid old clips taking space on your computer Outplayed includes an auto manage feature which will automatically delete old clips. You can manage your storage auto manage settings in the Outplayed Storage settings:
Please note that the auto manage feature will not delete clips that are marked as Favorites.
How to favorite a clip
To mark a clip as favorite simply click on the star over your clip or CTRL+D :
Once a clip is marked as favorite, you'll be able to easily find it in the Favorites tab:
Clips marked as favorite will also be protected from the auto manage feature in case you have it enabled. Outplayed will not automatically delete any clip that is marked as favorite - notice that it will be counted for the quota.
If you have manually favorited the clip you can remove it from the Favorite tab by going to the Sessions tab, finding the original clip and clicking on "Remove from favorites":
Please note that clips that have been trimmed or have been edited in the Outplayed Editor will automatically be marked as favorites and can not be removed from the Favorites tab without fully deleting the clip.
Where to find the video files
You can find the original recording files by going to the Outplayed settings and clicking on Storage:
You can also find a specific video file by clicking on the Open Folder button over the clip:
Please note that moving or editing these files will remove them from Outplayed. If you would like to edit these files we recommend making a copy of the original file.
How to locate and reconnect clips
If the clips disconnected due to changing the Media folder and you did not record any new clips you can change the Media folder back to the previous location in order to reconnect the clips. You can then change the Media folder using this guide: How to change the Media folder location

How to import external clips into Outplayed
Note: This option will only appear once you have recorded a new clip and marked it as favorite.
You can do so using this guide: How to favorite a clip
To import external clips into Outplayed you can press on "Import external videos" in the Favorites tab:
Then either browse and select the clip file from the file explorer or drag and drop the clip in to Outplayed. You can select multiple recordings:
The clips will appear in the Favorites tab:
Please note that clips that have been imported into Outplayed will not show the game events or APM stats. This includes clips that were previously recorded on Outplayed and re-imported into Outplayed.
Imported clips will count towards your storage space as set in the Storage Auto Manager.
Note: Only MP4 files can be imported into Outplayed.
How to create a shorter clip out of your recording
Sometimes when recording a whole session or match you will want to create a shorter clip of a certain event. Clicking on “Trim clip” will let you cut out a smaller clip from the main recording:
Once the clip is generated it will appear separately and will automatically be added to your favorites:
How to record on Outplayed in force video aspect ratio of 16:9 (Remove black bars)
Go to the Outplayed Capture settings, click on "Advanced Options" and enable "Force video aspect ratio to 16:9 (stretch if needed)"
If your game has the option "Enable game window capture" available please make sure that it is enabled:
Please make sure to fully relaunch Outplayed and your game to save these changes.
Why is there a yellow border while recording?
In some games, due to a limited support, the screen is captured instead of the game window. So if your game window is not in maximized or in full screen mode, you'll see part of the desktop in the recording.
You'll also see the desktop when using [Alt+Tab] or while minimizing the window.
As a workaround, an option to capture the game window instead of the screen was added in recent version. To use it, go to the game settings and enable Game window capture, please note that on Windows 10 you'll get a yellow border around the game window:
Please note: Some laptops running Windows 10/11 may still have the yellow border even when the setting is enabled
Why am I seeing Alt Tabbed on my recordings?
When using the Outplayed Capture Modes Outplayed will record the game process itself. If you remove focus from the game (Such as alt-tabbing away from the game screen or clicking on something outside the game process) Outplayed will automatically pause the recording and show the following message:
You can use the Outplayed Editor to edit out the times in which the recording is paused. It is not possible to remove the watermark itself.
If you would like to record the screen itself instead of the game process please use the Screen Recorder feature.
What are APM Stats?
APM Stats show Actions Per Minute. We count any keyboard key pressed and every mouse button click and calculate the APM based on that.
The Average is the match average and the All time avg. is the average across all your games.
You can view the APM Stats by clicking on the icon:
You can disable this setting by going to the Outplayed settings, clicking on your game and disabling the "Collect APM stats" feature then relaunching Outplayed & your game:
Low disc space error
If your storage root folder (For example drive C: ) falls to under 200 MB of free space Outplayed will show the "Low disc space" error during the recording and stop recording. You will then be unable to record further clips with Outplayed.
In order to resolve this matter you can either delete clips, clear space in the directory or change the media folder under the Outplayed Storage settings to a folder with more available space.
Help! Outplayed isn’t working
If you are encountering any issues with recording on Outplayed such as no clip being recorded, freezes/laggy clips or audio issues with the recording please try the troubleshooting steps in this article: Common Capture Issues