Now that you've recorded some clip with Outplayed its time to share your awesomeness with the world!

Take me to...

You can share your epic moves on TikTok, Instagram, YouTube Shorts, Reels, Whatsapp & more by uploading the clip to!

Clicking on the "Share on" option will upload the clip to and generate a link and QR code to the clip which you can share anywhere such as Discord DMs, or scan the QR code to open the link on your mobile device:

You can keep track of the upload process and if the clip has been uploaded successfully in the Upload Manager:

You can also cancel an upload by clicking on the Cancel option in the Upload Manager:

Please note that has a file size limit of 400MB.

You can check the size of your recording file by finding the recording file using the steps here: Where to find the video files.

Then right click the file and select Properties to view the file size:

You can close Outplayed while the uploading is in progress. Don't worry, the upload will continue in the background.

Once the upload has finished processing you can either click on "Open link" to be directed to the clip on 

You can also click on the option to receive a QR code which you can scan or click on "Copy link" to copy the URL of the clip on

Please note that uploads will only be hosted for a limited time depending on your account plan. You can view the expiration date of each hosted recording by clicking on the share option again:

How to upload your clips directly to Discord servers, YouTube & Reddit

Simply click on one of the share options above your clip:

Please note that when sharing a clip directly to a platform (Such as Discord, YouTube, Reddit or Twitter/X.) You will be asked to authorize the connection with the platform. You may also be asked to log into your Overwolf account and your account on the platform in question.

Please make note of the following limitations when sharing clips:


  • Size limit of 400MB
  • Note that the Discord player does not support AV1. When sharing these clips they will appear as follows instead of showing the embedded Discord player:


  • Size limit of 400MB


  • Size limit of 400MB


  • Due to changes to the Twitter/X API the option to share to Twitter/X has been disabled.
    You can upload the clip to Outplayed.TV using the steps Here then manually share the clip URL on Twitter/X.

You can check the size of your recording file by finding the recording file using the steps here: Where to find the video files.

Then right click the file and select Properties to view the file size:

You can cancel an upload by clicking on the Cancel option in the Upload Manager:

Please note that uploads cannot be cancelled after the clip has been uploaded successfully. To delete shared clips please follow the steps Here.

How to share clips to Tiktok

Simply click on the Tiktok share option and log in to your account:

Your Tiktok user will show which account you are logged in to. Make sure that all the toggles are set to allow:

If you are not logged in to your Overwolf account you will be logged in. Please click on "Open Outplayed":

Before sharing you can write a description and chose which audience to share the clip to:

The Advanced options will allow you to enabled/disable comments, duets and stitch:

If there is any post content to disclose please add it:

Once the clip has been uploaded it will show as uploaded in the content manager and on your Tiktok account:

What is My uploads?

The My uploads section is an upload feed that shows all the clips you have uploaded through Outplayed to or Discord (Youtube support coming soon!)

My upload feed is also available on web from any device at

Click the link or scan this QR code with your mobile to view you shared highlights on web (you'll need to logged in to your Outplayed account.)

You can read more about it on the Outplayed My uploads FAQ.

Help! I can't share my clips

Please check if the Outplayed Upload Manager is stuck or shows any error message:

If there was any issue uploading the file we recommend checking if your internet connection is stable or if there is anything that may be blocking the connection and then click on Retry:

If you encounter any issues please Open a Support Ticket so we can help!

How to delete shared clips

It is not currently possible to delete clips from manually. If you would like to remove a clip that has been uploaded please open a support ticket Here and include the link to the clip you would like removed & your Log files.

Please note that all clips uploaded through will be automatically deleted after a certain time of hosting:

Outplayed Essentials plan (Free) users can host clips on for 3 months.
Outplayed Core plan (Free) users can host clips on for 6 months. 
Outplayed Premium plan (Paid) users can host clips on for 12 months. 

You can find further information on the different Outplayed Plans Here.

How to report shared clips

If you encounter an offensive clip being shared using the link please report it so it can be reviewed and removed if needed! You can do so by clicking on the report button in the link:

How to share clips longer than 30 seconds

Please note that this is only relevant for clips shared to Youtube or Reddit. 

Currently the automatic sharing option in Outplayed is set to 30 seconds by default. You can change the length of the clip you are sharing from the default 30 seconds by toggling the bars on the share screen:

Alternatively you can upload a full copy of the recording file to YouTube/other video sharing platforms manually.

You can find the full recording files using this guide: Where to find the video files