Why am I not seeing an epic or legendary chest in my chest cycle?
A: When using Stats Royale, you may notice a Legendary chest or Epic chest is missing from your chest cycle. This is most likely normal: you need a minimum of 1000 trophies to have an Epic chest in your chest cycle. The same goes for Legendary chests, except the minimum is 2000 trophies.
Where are the shop offers?
A: We recently removed the shop offers at the request of Supercell. They wanted to keep some flexibility in them so they can make it more interesting for the players. It could come back later, we don't know! It's up to Supercell.
Can I help translating Stats Royale into another language?
A: We would love for you to help us out! Check out our project in Crowdin. We don't have all the languages yet but will be adding more as we complete more languages. Even if your language is already completed, you can still join to improve current translations or help with future ones.